Saturday, April 11, 2009

"it smells good in here"

image: saturday breakfast. washington ave.

“Evolved individuals know that people who are not intuitive can be dangerous to work with, since they are guided solely by the current appearance of things that are in reality, changing. Evolved individuals seek out others who have intuition and vision - a form of intelligence that comes from cultivating the instincts, observing the direction of change, apprehending the evolution of ideas.”
— Lao Tzu

{via swiss miss}

1 comment:

Swistle said...

I love this, I think because it's so easy to assume I'm one of the intuitives. I intuit that I am. Even though I rarely notice my surroundings. Oh, hey, ESPECIALLY because I don't notice my surroundings! I INTUIT rather than looking at current appearances!