Thursday, September 4, 2008

a special swap

image: orange heels in the window, taken august 2008.

When we were in college, I somehow got lucky enough to convince Shelby she should trade me these heels for a plastic tote bag. How did that happen? I'm not really sure.

I don't wear them that much, but I'm still totally in love with them and their little bows. I wonder if they are terribly out of style by now? I could be blinded by my love for them.

Sweetest wedding programs EVER via Brooklyn Bride. Check them out. You have to click on the image to really see them. They are the first image.
Also Dear Shelby,
01. I love you.
02. You need to start a blog because everyone will want to read it.
03. We can trade back if you really want to (please don't make me).

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